Wednesday, May 30, 2007

He's Baaaaack!

Bobby Brown is back on the dating scene! The scene ain't safe anymore! Fortunately, he has a victim. Ladies, you're safe for the moment. The victim is his agent, Alicia Etheridge. Remember the name? She is the girl he lives with. They had the nerve to show up at The Hamptons, last weekend. They probably slept in their car. LOL I can't afford The Hamptons, and I have more going on than Bobby!


Anonymous said...

She doesn't look like she thinks "crack is whack." But one question: who the h--- is that tatooed on her arm? Is it supposed to be a self-portrait? I'm sorry, but that's waaay too ghetto NBA for me. Do straight womyn really do that? Hmmm...


TLUV said...

That is a self-portrait before the meth face! LOL