Thursday, September 04, 2008

Matthew Knowles Is Pissed!

I can understand it! I must first ask that he get a grip on his little crazy daughter! Mathew Knowles went on a radio station to defend the actions of Solange. There is no defending that! She was dead wrong! He went on to say that Solange is a prolific song-writer. He said that she wrote songs for Beyonce and Kelly Rowland. Is that why Kelly is performing in London, right now? I need Mr. Knowles to realize that when people hear a song that they like they say, "I like that song, who's singing it?" not "Who wrote that?" She is a sub-par performer with a crappy attitude! She is entitled to her opinion and others are entitled to theirs! If you are gonna call everyone who says something about Solange that you don't agree with, how will you run your business? Yes, I said it! Now get at me!
Note to readers: As of today, Solange's new album has sold 30,000 issues. More than 3 times what it was expected!


Anonymous said...

i think solange is a great song writer/singer. i dont agree with everything you have said so far about solange. so many ppl have such nasty things to say anout her because shes diffent! shes stepping out the box shes doing her. to her its not about selling records its about being her and doing what she love to do. if it was ll about selling records like she said she would have been changed her style up and actd like the rest of these FAKE artist out here. also when some ppl do ask oh who wrote that song i LOVE it..thaTS how ppl get their start in the biz as a writer, solange is doing her n shes sick of the haters, but i do think she needs to get over it! but i believe she is a great new artist whos not afride to be herself...i wish ppl would learn how to NOT pick n gossip about all the STUIP things n tell all the good loven solange n i didnt even kno she could sing until this new record in im loven her...her cd is pretty goood!...GOOOO SOLANGE!!!!!

TLUV said...

You are definitely entitled to your OWN opinion. This is a gossip blog! If you wish people would stop gossiping, then you should not come back to my blog! I am one of the most positive bloggers! I don't kiss ass but, I don't drag people through the mud either. People who buy music are not asking who wrote it! People who are aspiring artists do. I'm sorry that you don't like my opinion about Solange but, there is one way to get even with me! Don't come back! I'm happy that you and your friend bought her CD, at least SOMEBODY did! We will not change each others minds so let's just agree to disagree. If that is not an option for you, then kick rocks in flip-flops!

Anonymous said...

Who The Hell Is This Girl? Damn She Can't Spell!!!!! She Need To Go Back To The Third Grade Yo!!! Real Talk! This Is A Gossip Blog Yo! If You Don't Like When People Gossip Then Don't Come To A Gossip Blog.Dumb Hoe!

TLUV said...

Whoa prime minista! Tell us how you really feel!