Friday, October 03, 2008

By-Golly She Failed!

I think that Sarah Palin was extremely rehearsed (that's why she had to stay on certain subjects and couldn't answer the questions asked!) and a little better than her previous interviews. I did notice that she lacked in many important areas. I shall enumerate them for you:

1. She didn't know the requirements or the responsibilities of the Vice President.

2. She failed to acknowledge the causes for the climate changes.

3. She lacked quite a bit of knowledge of foreign policies and affairs.

4. She was extremely condescending when she talked about being a parent(as if she cornered the market on it)

5. She was rude when she said Biden's wife will get her reward for teaching. Note Biden lost a wife and kids in the 70's!

With all these things, she failed miserably. I can't believe that a card-carrying Republican would vote for her! Obama '08!

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