Monday, June 29, 2009

Single Motherhood: A Thankless Job!

I used to think it was a thankless job but, I realized that everyday you enjoy with your child, is thanks! Anyhoo, I started thinking about this when I read an Essence article about Jill Scott. As you know, Jill Scott delivered a healthy baby boy, recently. What you probably didn't know is that she called off her engagement, days later. She had this to say about it, "Sadly, shortly after welcoming their first child, Jill and Lil John Roberts called off their engagement of one year. “He was there and for a couple of days afterwards while I stayed in the hospital, but John and I are no longer together,” she shares. “When you have a baby you’re dealing with a lot of emotions and I don’t know how much of it had to do with us breaking up, but it happens.” That said, the two are completely committed to Jett and plan to raise him together.

“We definitely love our son and we are co-parenting and working on being friends. I have hopes for [Jett] and I’m sure his father will do his part as well.”

I will keep Jill and her family in my prayers. I know how hard it is to raise a boy, alone. I know that they are co-parenting but, realistically, she will have the brunt of the job. Note to Jill: I have been a single mom for 16 years. I relish my duties and I love my job. Oh yeah, I talk crap and moan at times but, I wouldn't trade it for the world. Every day that I look at my son and people say that he is so well-mannered, or that they really like him or I receive notes from his teachers that say, "I enjoyed working with Christian," I feel thanked. Pay close attention to Jett because they grow up too fast! Take nothing for granted.

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