Monday, January 29, 2007

Latrell Spre What the hell!

Latrell Sprewell, no stranger to trouble, is in court again. This time, his live-in ex-girlfriend is suing him for palimony. Candace Cabbil, mother of his four children, says Latrell broke a "co-habitation" deal they had. She says after being traded to the Minnesota Timberwolves, he stopped coming home, stopped giving her money for the house and moved onto a yacht he bought in Minnesota. She also says that he came home and assaulted her. Listen, she has four children between the ages of 13 and 3, and she has guardianship of a 16 year old he had by someone else. I would sue his ass for that alone! Leave me to take care of YOUR child by someone else? I don't think so! I'm sorry, there goes my temper again! Anyhoo, she is suing for $200 million. Note to Candace: Go Girl!

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