Tuesday, August 14, 2007

How In The Hell?

According to Panachereport.com, El DeBarge has ten kids! Well, I know how it happened! Let's face it, El IS fine! Anyhoo, here he is pictured with 9 of his kids and his wife. DAMN, El DeBarge!


wordswork02 said...

Well, I have the following questions:

1. Are those pictures of DIFFERENT kids or are some of the kids photographed in different pictures at different ages?

2. Are all El's kids by the SAME woman? They don't really look like they have the same mother AND father.

3. Is the woman in the picture supposed to be the mother of all 10 kids? I can't see a sistah having 10 kids and still looking like THAT?

4. How old is the picture of the wife?

That is all. P@ace and chicken grease.

TLUV said...

These are different children. I doubt seriously they are all by the same woman. This picture was submitted to panachereport.com by El DeBarges's mother. The pictures were not dated. She did ensure that they are of (9) of his children.