Monday, June 30, 2008

The Rise And Fall Of A Love Affair!

Ghetto love, isn't it grand? Mos Def is a mild mannered man, or so it seems. His estranged wife, Alana Wyatt, is penning a tell-all book. She is talking about the rise and fall of their love. Read on:
"He had asked me if I would attend a MuchMusic performance featuring Kanye West. Now, that was a little awkward because a year prior I had met Kanye in Vegas and we had a moment! NOT SEXUAL! I REPEAT, KANYE WEST and I NEVER have had sexual relations,” she emphasises in the book. She adds: “Much to my surprise, Mos introduced me as his wife.” The next day, August 17, 2005, the pair were married at Toronto City Hall. In the wedding photos included in the book they look happy and sober. “There were stories that we may have been on drugs when we go married… was true honest love at first sight.”
And the decline:
Within six weeks, the couple had attended Fashion Week in New York, the MTV Video Music Awards in Miami, purchased a $850,000 house in Caledon — and separated.
She said she filed for divorce in October following what she claimed was a loud argument that got out of control. “I don’t believe that his intent was to hurt me, I believe that he was trying to prove a point,” she said. “But I had shared and cried with him many nights about my past (abusive) situation and I asked of him not to do that [abuse her]. Wyatt-Smith said she didn’t press charges because she didn’t “want to cause problems” in the hopes that his outburst was “a first and last.”
She said there were several attempts at reconciliation, but that Mos Def, who has six children with four different women, has a demanding though not abusive demeanor that she found difficult to abide. They have not been together since October 2006, but despite a $115,000 financial settlement are not officially divorced. “He won’t sign the papers,” she said. “He told my lawyer if he can’t have me, nobody else will.”

Who would have thought that Mos Def would behave that way? I guess the image of him from Alicia Key's music video is fake! Tsk! Tsk!

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