Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Great Movies!

I have two movies to tell you about! The first was "Vantage Point!" The previews for this movie started last year but, it was released straight to DVD. I loved it! It was about a plot to kill/kidnap the president of the United States. It was shown from different vantage points (hence the name). It's funny how things look different from different angles! It starred Dennis Quaid, Forest Whitaker, Matthew Fox, Sigourney Weaver and William Hurt. It was so exciting! You'll love it! The second movie is "Hancock!" I saw it today and I loved it! It was about a misunderstood superhero. He tried to help but his help was too much! I laughed, I cried and I rooted for Hancock! The movie starred Will Smit, Charlize Theron and Jason Bateman. There was a cameo by Mike Epps. You'll love it! There is foul language but, no more than your kids hear at home. Go check it out!

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