Friday, September 19, 2008

People Would Die For His Position!

Some people would die to be in the shoes of Dallas Maverick forward, Josh Howard. This is precisely why I can't understand the stupid ish that comes from his mouth! First there were his comments that all people in the NBA smoke weed! This may be true but, since he isn't friends with all people in the NBA, this blanket statement was not factual. Now, there has been a video that surfaced of him at a football game. The Star Spangled Banner is heard playing in the background. Josh Howard says, "That Star Spangled Banner Sh_t is playing and I don't celebrate that, I am black!" He says something about supporting Obama '08 and then the tape ends. His stupid ass friends upload this and Rush Limbaugh and the rest got ahold of it. They are saying that "black" people are unpatriotic and that some "black" singers won't even sing the Star Spangled Banner. They are also attributing this to Obama. I guess if Obama's neighbor robs a bank, it's his fault too. These pundits are disgusting! These idiots, like Josh Howard, are even more disgusting!

Note to Josh Howard: Opinions are like assholes! Everyone has one but, it's not necessary to show it! Shut your mouth and do your job! Get paid to run up and down the courts! Leave the politics to people who actually know something! Comprende?

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