Wednesday, November 05, 2008

This Is A Monumental Day!

This day is so special that rumors are not being reported today! I want nothing to "stain" this day! I still have tears in my eyes! Where were you when you heard the news that WE have an African-American president? I was talking to my sister(long distance) when my other line rang, and a friend named Jennifer called and said "he won!" She was crying and I started crying! I fell to the floor and my son was in shock! My son said that he couldn't cry because it's only been 15 years, for him. Yet, he felt the impact and knew what it meant! He, too, can be President of the United States! Where were you when you heard the news? How is it impacting your life? Tell us, we want to know. Rumors will return November 6th. This photo is from I introduce to you, President elect, Barack Obama and First Lady, Michelle Obama and First Children, Sasha and Malia Obama.

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