Thursday, January 08, 2009

"I Want My Kidney Back, Kidney Back!

I can't believe that someone with a Doctorate Degree would stoop this low! I understand heartbreak just as well as the next man/woman but, seriously? Dr. Richard Batista married the love of his life and gave her a kidney. What did he get in return? Betrayed! Now, he wants his kidney back or $1.5 million dollars. Read the rest:


Lady Di said...

They showed this on the news earlier today and I just smh. WOW!!

Lady Di said...

I meant to ask, do you want to make your text links click through straight to the article/site??

TLUV said...

Yeah! Nudge me on twitter! Okay?

Lady Di said...

I sent a direct message with complete instructions. Long winded ones too. (laughs). In order to have the "nudge" option. You have to have a wireless devise set-up on there it seems?!?! Go figure.........