Monday, February 23, 2009

Apology Needed!

Remember when I talked about responsible journalism? Well, TMZ is under fire for posting and paying for those Rihanna pics! If you are pissed off at them and think they owe her an apology, go here

Sign the pettition! Give it to Harvey Levin and his minions!


wordswork02 said...

I hope TMZ and whoever is responsible for leaking that picture get what's coming to them. It's about time someone held Harvey Levin's feet to the fire about the dispicable and questionable techniques his staff uses to get information on celebrities.

I used to watch the FX show "Dirt" and I know that a lot of those storylines highlighing the questionable ethics of tabloid reports were not just fiction.

Seriously, someone needs to be fired and/or go to jail. Whatever happened to the person who leaked George Clooney's medical records should happen to the person who leaked the photo of Rihanna.


TLUV said...

Don't forget about the staff people at Cedar's Sinai that leaked the every movement of Britney Spears while she was being held on the 5150 (harm to yourself and others) hold! The recession ain't the only thing taking folks jobs! Nosiness, is putting a bunch of folks on the unemployment roll! Word to ya mama!

Lady Di said...

But who leaked the photo to TMZ is the question I've yet to see a reply to. TMZ is just a part of the problem. We need to focus on WHERE the photo actually came from and then work backwards, not the other way around. Just my thoughts.

wordswork02 said...

I think we can all agree on that. In my post I didn't mean to suggest just TMZ should be punished. I also meant the money-hungry minions out there who TMZ pays for information.

If I were a celebrity, I'd be afraid to get a freakin' pap smear for fear my results might end up on that bottom-feeding excuse for entertainment news!

Now that's just dangerous!

TLUV said...

Okay, I am sort of a star in my home town! Sike! I really think that files should be coded so that only the people who really have to see them, can see them! That way the leaks will be traceable! LadyDi, unfortunately, California is such an expensive place to live people will sell their souls and yours, to live there! Note to Californians: It's just SUN!

TLUV said...

I wonder if Harvey and his lynchmen would have posted the picture if she had been sexually assaulted? He had the nerve to say that we needed to see this picture. I didn't need to see it! An ass-kicking is an ass-kicking! Bruises prove there was contact but, I don't think anyone doubted that! What is gonna happen from here? Harvey was trying to incite something. I won't watch the show and I dropped them from my twitter friends!