Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sunbaked Racist Idiot!

According to, Los Alamitos, California - Mayor Dean Grose sent a racist photo to business owners and forgot that one of them was African American! he photo shows the White House with watermelons on the lawn. This photo was sent after President Obama was elected. The only thing that was done to him was, he was made to apologize! I think he should lose his job! Anyone in Government, who does something like this should be fired! What kind of example are we setting? California used to be the place where racial unity lived! Now they want to get rid of immigrants, gay marriage and now this! Tsk Tsk!


Lady Di said...

I spotted the story here yesterday. It's not going to end as a matter of fact, I want a counter going. See who many antics towards racism actually are found during his term. Hmmmmmmm...

wordswork02 said...

I'm not surprised. I actually expected racist conservatives to respond with idiotic and assinine attempts to diminish President Obama and us as a race.

But photos like this -- as well as the NY Post cartoon, the "Barack the magic Negro" song -- it's all they have now that we (finally) have a black president. I grew up hearing that old adage, "Stick and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me."

We can't give too much credence to this kind of ignorance. We need to consider the source and the motivation and move on. The people behind this stuff have no idea what black people in this country have been through. We've been through slavery and Jim Crow and lynchings and beatings and hoses and dogs.

If those people know about all that, they'd know they can't hurt us with this. It's words; it's ink on a piece of paper. It's nothing!

I understand why some people are upset, and I understand the people who think certain images (the monkey cartoon, for instance) might incite some to violence and that we need to be vigilant in that front.

But I still believe paying attention to this kind of crap lets the racists think they can get to us this way.

My motto is, "Stay strong; if someone calls you out of your name, don't answer; if they put their hands on your or yours, make them sorry."

Everything else is B.S.

Lady Di said...

It's not just THE words that have hurt us, it's the actions behind them. SLAVEry, nIgga/nIgger/colored and I could go on. The associations with these words are what whites want to put behind themselves and us to put behind us as well. And there are some people of color not necessarily afrIcan who stand firm on this as well.

My line, I may forgive but I never forget. And to have this kind of thing such as the cartoon and this depiction of whatever said person thought it shoUld represent, it's all the more reason to stick to present course when dealing with OUR story while living HER story.

Ask yourself this, if a Black Mayor would have sent it out, would there be this much fuss?? Better yet, when Bush was in Office, if a Black Mayor put Confederate Flags on the WH and then emailed it, then what?? Hmmmmmmmmmmm.......

TLUV said...

I encountered a Jewish woman on Wednesday. She was trying to describe a nurse to me and she said, "You know the colored one!" I could not believe my ears! Did this heffa say "colored?" I laughed to myself. I would have been wrong if I said that someone tried to Jew me down in a car sale! LOL

TLUV said...

Hey Wordswork, I grew up with the same motto! Do I know you? LOL

wordswork02 said...

In response to TLuv's second to last comment, I will say this:

Yes, the way we use language to refer to someone definitely indicates how forward (or backwards) our thinking is.

But if we know who we are and we teach our children to know who they are, then being called the N-word or colored or monkey or any of the other derogatives can't hurt us.

We're better than that. We've come too far and we're not going back!

In the same way the slave-owners bred physically big, strong slaves to produce physically bigger and stronger slaves resulting the fact that we now dominate every sport (except hockey), everyting they've thrown at us over the years has also made us mentally strong.

And what has been the result? Barack Obama. Now, granted, Obama isn't the descendant of American slaves, but he grew up (mostly) in this country and so has benefited from that survivor mind-set.

And they think they can hurt us with a picture and a cartoon? I say, "Bring it."

Lady Di said...

Tluv, I heard a white person say colored as well, don't ask me where as it was. I will say in the last year and I believe it was cashier's in some store.

I can agree with a lot of what you're saying Wordswork but whites are as mad as some of us, for whatever their reasons. So, I dunno...

TLUV said...

I refuse to lower myself to that woman's level! I am colored! Red, white and blue! Perhaps I'm Obama blue! LOL

Lady Di said...

You go girl!!

TLUV said...

No, I'm tickled pink! Especially since my President is Barack Obama!

TLUV said...

No, I'm tickled pink! Especially since my President is Barack Obama!