Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Back From Oblivion!

Fantasia has announced that she will reprise her role as "Celie" in the North American tour of "The Color Purple!" This is a wonderful decision, on her part! I pray that she will show up and keep her commitment. This is probably going to pay her house note too! Kudos!


Lady Di said...

You are to bad T. NOTESSSSSSSSSSS!! Some are blessed to be trying to survive one. I bet she got some cash and every friggin fam member came out the word work from nowhere. One part of me wants the $$ and the other part doesn't. Greed make people do some stooopid ish.

TLUV said...

Lady Di, I tries my best! I pray that she realizes how fleeting fame can be! Keep workin 'Tasia!