Tuesday, June 23, 2009


A few months back I heard about Disney and their new animated movie about a black princess. I was stoked until I heard that the Prince was not black but, Latino. I have nothing against Latinos but, couldn't a sista Princess have a brotha Prince? Well, a friend of mine has a new movie he's trying to get investors for. It's called Autumn" and it's about a young woman that goes to West Africa to help her ailing grandmother. There, her destiny is fulfilled! It's such a wonderful story. For more about "Autumn" go to www.lbryon9@yahoo.com and ask about "Autumn."

1 comment:

Lady Di said...

www & .com represent a website and in the middle is an email address. Double negative as there can be no '@' in a web address, URL, site link. Keep me posted as I am just seeing this and now understand your tweet better. ;)