Thursday, July 09, 2009

Montco! Montco! Montco!

I heard about a private swimming club denying African-American children entrance! I thought I was reading about 1920! In 2009 a private swim club is behaving this way? First, let me tell you about my experience with a "private swim club" in my area. I inquired about a membership to a "private swim club" and was astonished at the dues! They definitely make it hard for "us" to be members. The membership called for you to pay $2000.00 for intro fees and stock fees. The annual dues were $504.00! They damn near wanted a credit check! When I went there, I didn't see many children that looked like mine! Consequently, my son said, "I don't want to swim here!" I was so relieved because, truth be told, I didn't want to give them my hard earned $2000.00! So imagine my surprise when I read about Montco! I can't wait until the powers that be jump all over this one! Now, these rednecks won't even take our money? I think that they are afraid that the next Michael Phelps is being groomed! First golf, then tennis and next swimming! Montco, we're coming....


wordswork02 said...

Hey TLuv, I couldn't believe the story when I read it either. And, apparently, a lot of people are having that jaw-dropping reaction. The first time I read about it, it was on the local Philadelphia TV news website. Now it's on's main page and Keith Olbermann designated the club manager as one of his "Worst Persons in the World."

Oh, it's getting hot in her' and folks are turning up the heat on "them rednecks."

Can you believe what the club manager said? The black kids would change the "complexion" of the pool. Yeah, that's right...just like kool aid changes the complexion of water...just like sugar changes the complexion of butter to make caramel...just like black dye changes the complexion of gray hair...just like the sun changes the complexion of white folks.

In all those instances, the change of "complexion" makes things better. Well, except for that last thing, which only changes the complexion. If it made them better, this ish probably wouldn't be happening.

And I'm through...

TLUV said...

Gone girl! You said it all! Dammit, I'm through too!