Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Media Conspiracy!

I received an interesting e-mail from my sons School Superintendent, today. In the email she discusses how the local newspaper misquoted and darn-right lied about the districts stance on the speech to school children by President Obama. According to the media, the district urged parents to keep their children home if they didn't agree with President Obama giving a speech to school age children. I have always known that the media can and will twist and misreport things but, damn! I want YOU to read what the superintendent said and interpret it for yourself. Read:

Message from the Superintendent

In response to President Obama addressing all students on Tuesday, September 8, I am very dismayed that the Detroit Free Press misconstrued the District’s position. In a Detroit Free Press story on September 4, 2009, the Free Press reported that Farmington Public Schools is encouraging parents to pull students from class if they are uncomfortable with their child(ren) hearing the President’s speech.

I want to assure you that is not what we sent out on our list serv nor posted on the District’s web site. It is also important to note that the Detroit Free Press did not contact the District to comment on President Obama’s speech.

In fact, the District’s sentiment is quite the opposite. However, in order to support our schools, we felt it necessary to let parents know their options. We were hoping to alleviate additional calls to schools’ main offices as the first day of school is quite busy already.

I have personally reviewed the President’s speech and believe it is entirely appropriate for all our students to view, and thus, I am recommending that our teachers show it during the first week of school. The President’s speech may be read on the home page at www.whitehouse.gov. The District strongly supports President Obama’s message of the importance of education, working hard and taking responsibility for learning. These are the same messages that our students are hearing from every adult in their lives from parents, teachers, principals, school board members, and civic leaders. We want all our students to recognize the importance of getting an education and being given (and take advantage of) every opportunity to learn.

We thank you for your support and best wishes for a wonderful school year ahead.


Superintendent Sue Zurvalec

To this I say, "Et Tu Media?" It's not enough that you give these fools who don't want affordable healthcare for everyone, a platform but, now you don't want our children to be encouraged? In the words of comedian Lil Duval, "Kill Yoself bitches!"

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