Wednesday, April 11, 2007

We Did It!

MSNBC has announced they will no longer carry the Don Imus show! I knew they would buckle after his sponsors dropped him. If you hit them where it hurts they will be more accountable for their programming. You don't need Rev. Al Sharpton or Rev. Jesse Jackson to stage marches. Money talks and BS walks! To everyone who wrote to MSNBC, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. In other news, Don Imus' wife Deidre wrote a book and was suppose to do book signing tours. That has been scrapped because of her husband and his ignorant comments. Booyah! Note to Deidre Imus: I assume that you are somewhat educated, since you wrote a book and all, do yourself a favor and drop that cretin! Once you drop him, write a book about it. That should be a Best-seller! Note to Don Imus: Retire! Pretend to go out on top. Whatever you do, just GO!

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