Wednesday, April 16, 2008

3 Years Is Nothing To A Vampire!

The government wants Wesley Snipes to do 3 years in prison for his conviction of failure to file a tax report. They are not playing! Is it me or are they going hard on the wrong people? Don't get me wrong, I think Wes should be washing some dude named Pimo (pronounced P-ee-mow) underwear and french braiding hair for $0.75! Yet, I still think that Osama Bin Laden and others are roaming free, and it ain't fair! The people that should be behind bars are the ones who fooled America into thinking there was a such thing as "Weapons Of Mass Destruction!" Those are the fools who should be walking behind 'Nard and holding onto a scarf hanging out of the back of his pocket! I'm sure someone found him attractive in "To Wong Fu: Thanks For Everthing, Julie Newmar." Sorry, I watch too many shows about prison! Note to my sister: I know I said "ain't" and that's not proper but, it sounds better that way! Roll with me!

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