Friday, November 28, 2008


I am so stuffed I couldn't find gossip. I will say that family can be very funny! Have you ever had good intentions but, because people are trained to be inqusitive and deceitful, they feel your intentions have strings attached? Yeah, well I have learned this first-hand. I have learned that there are 3 people in my life that deserve anything from me. These 3 are the ones that I can ALWAYS depend on. These 3 understand that anything that I give them, I give from my heart, whether they need it or not! They are loyal and respectful. They were raised that way! That's why Thanksgiving was so special for me. I spent the day with 2 of them and the other one was here via Skype. This post is dedicated to the special 3. I love you and thank you for being so instrumental in my life.

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