Monday, November 10, 2008

OMG! Are You Watching?

Do you watch "True Blood" on HBO? I decided to catch up on it because I had forgot to watch for 2 weeks straight. OMG! I couldn't believe my eyes! It is filled with male nudity (that's always a plus). It has drugs (not real drugs: a substance called V which is vampire blood and it acts like Ecstacy) and violence. I love this show! I, especially, like Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) and Tara(actress Rutina Wesley). These two cousins are hilarious! There are only 3 episodes left. Next time there is a marathon, sit down and watch, you will be mesmerized! It is a tad scary so tell the kiddies to leave the room. I am very surprised at Anna Pacquin! Just watch!!!!!


wordswork02 said...

I can't believe I haven't heard about this before. I used to work for Nelsan Ellis.

I can't believe he ain't called me!

TLUV said...

Say What? You had better give me details! He plays one helluva homothug! Girl! Call me!