Wednesday, December 31, 2008

He's Early!

Charles Barkley started the New Year's ritual early! According to, he was popped for driving under the influence. Read on:
"Charles Barkley was arrested early Wednesday in Arizona on charges of driving while impaired.

Police say they noticed Barkley, 45, running a stop sign in the Old Town section of Scottsdale at about 1:30 a.m. Officers pulled Barkley over, took him to a nearby mobile command post, and administered a blood test after declining to submit to a breath test, according to Gilbert, Ariz., police Lt. Eric Shuhandler.

Barkley was issued a citation for driving while impaired and released pending the results, which normally takes about a week, Shuhandler said.

"He was very nice and professional," Shuhandler said, adding he entire arrest process took place without incident, and Barkley was civil and cooperative throughout.

For a first offense, someone found guilty of the charge Barkley faces might expect between one to 10 days in jail, the suspension of driving privileges for 90 days, and a fine of $1,000 or more, Shuhandler said."

Note to drunk drivers: I will not make light of your poor choice! You WILL kill someone and I will be the first to petition, the court, that you rot in jail! Catch a freakin cab! Why risk your freedom? I have a child, and should he be hurt, in any way, by you, I will hunt you down! I promise!


Lady Di said...
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Lady Di said...

I'm with you a zillion percent Tluv and I would say that for my cat as I have no birth children.

TLUV said...

Sick of these fools! Charles Barkley, according to the arrest sheet, told the officers he was speeding so that he could get a blow j_b! Sad...

Lady Di said...

YOU LIE?? Very sad...

BTW - you ever go over to Rhymes with Snitches Blog? She is ff the wall. I stopped about a month after I initially went as her Blog was pure hateration. She would change original content which would bother me about her reporting tactics. Sorta like Young, Black and Beautiful as well.

TLUV said...

YBF is truly trash! I started reading her blog and noticed she had nothing good to say! I wrote her about possibly hooking our blogs together and she went off! Even used my "Note to:" trying to diss me! Hater! That's okay haters are motivaters!

Lady Di said...

Look what I dug up for you TLuv -

And yeah, I meant YBF - Young Black and Fabulous. I only read when they post on KW, otherwise passsssssssss...

So what about RWS?? You do her Blog?

TLUV said...

No, I have never been to RWS! I am glad you warned me! I hate it when therre is NOTHING nice to say! Everything is so junior high school! She dates him, she cheated with him etc......