Thursday, April 02, 2009

Back Off!

This the picture that launched a million cries! Apparently, there is protocol to follow when visiting the Queen. Well, the Queen aborted the protocol! Yes, she touched the back of the First Lady, Michelle Obama, and Mrs. Obama returned the favor! Not such a big deal, right? WRONG! I am taking it in stride but, the naysayers are calling "FOUL!" People need to realize that, before their European trip, the President and The First Lady were well schooled on what NOT to do in foreign places. Therefore, if she placed a well-meant hand on the back of the Queen, she did it knowing that she could! So Back the Freak Up! If they aren't talking about her fashion, it's her practices! Behind we just had George Bush in the White House, the Obamas can do no wrong! Holla!


Lady Di said...

Mercy, they (Obama's) can't fart without someone sniffing the air for it can they? smh

TLUV said...

Well put! How hard must it be to always be on point!