Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Know, I'm Late But.......

The White House Correspondents Dinner went off last weekend and there was plenty fireworks. The Correspondents hired Wanda Sykes to speak for them and speak she did! She said many things but, the most memorable was about Rush Limbaugh. She said, "Rush Limbaugh said he wanted Obama to fail, I want Rush Limbaugh's kidney's to fail!" Many people laughed and many thought she went to far. Apparently a journalist, by the name of, Christopher Hitchens, has spoken and HE has gone too far. He said, "The president should be squirming in his seat. Not smiling," he said. "The black dyke got it wrong. No one told her the rules." I'm so f-ing offended! How can you say she went too far and then say something so offensive? Gay people should unite and get his ass fired! I got this from The Huffington Post! These are the people who need boycotting! Not Eminem!

By the way, I take kidney disease very serious! The fact of the matter is, you can live with it! So people should cut her a little slack! Rush Limbaugh was addicted to oxycontin! This opiate can cause kidney failure! It is one of the major causes of glomerular nephritis (hardening of the edges of the kidney) a major cause of End Stage Renal Disease! LOOK IT UP!

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