Wednesday, May 06, 2009

It's Over!!!!

I am finally done with Dancing With The Stars! I was watching and voting for Lil Kim! To my surprise, the voting meant nothing! Lil Kim was sent home on Tuesday and they kept Ty Murray! The man is a stick figure! He is as stiff as a corpse! I refuse to watch anymore! Note to "Dancing With The Stars:" You are dead to me! It's Over!


wordswork02 said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah! We've heard it before. You'll be tuning in again next season when someone else you like takes the stage. Face it, TLuv -- you're FICKLE!

I wish I had a nickel....

You know the rest.

TLUV said...

You don't know me! LOL I will NOT watch it! I voted and I know many people who voted! There is no way that Lil Kim should be gone! I doubt very seriously, if the audience calling even matters! If it doesn't matter, why am I calling? The show sucks! I don't care if Oprah goes on there, I'm not watching!

Anonymous said...

They know who they want to win so why watch and get your hopes up. They can put Beyonce on the show and I would only watch the last show, maybe I wouldn't have to watch because all the good dancers, and you know who I mean, will have left already. And what makes me mad is they're trying to look surprised, after they give low scores.....NO THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

Lil Kim was great,but they don't want great they want sympathy. Melissa had an injury, Ty don't know his butt from his head and Shawn can flip but can't twist! So, if that's what they want, Lil Kim was too good for the show! That's why they pay whether you go or stay! It's bullcrap! I won't watch either TLUV!

TLUV said...

Anonymous I agree with you! I feel that Ty was the "most improved" but, the show is not about that! He still cannot perform the dances right! He should stick to bullriding and go home with his crooked-toothed wife! At least SHE knew when to bow out!