Monday, August 17, 2009

I Was Considering A Move......

I was considering a move to Arizona after my son graduates High school but, then I read about the idiot that brought an AR-15 to the health care reform town hall meeting featuring President Obama! His response to why he had the gun, spoke volumes! First, Senator McCain fights a Martin Luther King holiday, now idiots like this? Arizona is not looking to family-friendly to me!

Update: I was looking over my posts and noticed an obvious typo! The sentence read, "Arizona is not looking to family-friendly to me!" I believe it should have said, "Arizona is not looking too family-friendly to me!" That is one of my pet-peeves and I bet my sister was laughing her ass off!


wordswork02 said...

I agree. Racist Obama-haters are using healthcare reform to justify their hatred of the president.

And the guns? WTH? Do these people really feel that their safety is threatened at a townhall meeting? And if so, they need to stay home. No one is forcing them to go.

But I think the gun-toting is a not-so-subtle signal to Obama: Don't feel too safe. Unfortunately, I also think it's a sign to other, perhaps, more violently-inclined citizens who might actually put those guns to use.

I wish the media would stop giving coverage and voice to these wackos. Clearly the contagion is spreading.

TLUV said...

Sadly, the fool with the gun and AR-15 was black! I wanna give him the benefit of the doubt and say, "Perhaps, he was protecting the Prez!" Unfortunately, the Prez has a force to handle that! You know all these racist fools have time to go to these town hall meetings because they have no health insurance! If they had it, they'd be at a doctor's appointment! LOL

wordswork02 said...

Oh, if he was black, then he probably wanted to protect himself from the caucasian racists turning out at these town hall meetings.

But he's still an idiot. If he didn't feel safe, he should have stayed his a$$ home. That's a no-brainer. But you have to have a brain to see it, so he's at a disadvantage.

Probably went to school on a short bus. lol

TLUV said...

That's an insult to all short bussers!