Friday, August 21, 2009

TMZ Is Shitty!

I was watching my local news and happened upon a commercial for TMZ. They were showing footage of Chris Brown and Harvey Levin says, "He's so full of himself!" I guess because he is in a car full of women. I was so pissed! They called him a girlfriend beater! Granted he pled guilty to assaulting Rihanna. I have one question: If he is such a monster and people can say such awful things about him, why aren't people holding Rihanna to such a standard? If young girls are watching and can be influenced by these two, if she is sneaking around hooking up with him, what example is she sending? Do not give me the Stockholm syndrome bullshit! She is just as culpable for how this looks to young girls and boys everywhere! If she took a stand young girls would feel empowered, if she left him and stayed away young boys would feel that one slap would be the end! Don't talk badly about Chris Brown and make Rihanna an angel! Both are young and made stupid mistakes but, they both need to know that kids are watching!


Anonymous said...

Harvey Levin is very bitter w/Chris. The pic they used of him was from a recent photo shoot. Forgive, and let him live. Seems like Rhianna has...

TLUV said...
