Thursday, September 24, 2009

Baby, Babay!

When I had my son he came out at 4 pounds 15 ounces! He was healthy as a bull. During my labor, the lady down the hall could be heard screaming because she was delivering a 13 pound baby! She screamed bloody murder for hours! When I went to see my son in the nursery he lay there looking bored and ready to go. Next to him was a big-ass baby that filled the little crib he was in. He had an IV in his head and looked like he was growing before my eyes! Well, and Indonesian woman has outdone that baby! The woman gave birth, by caesarean, to a 19 pound baby! The baby was so big because trhe mother was diabetic which made the baby receive too much glucose. How in the hell can you carry a stomach with over 20 pounds in it? This baby looks like he needs a nipple on a milk gallon!


wordswork02 said...

OMG! When I think about someone giving birth to a 19-pound baby, the first word that comes to my mind is "Ouch!"

The poor little baby next to the giant looks to be thinking, "Oh, please don't let him eat me!"

How in the heck did this happen?

If this mother had been in the U.S., her doctor probably would have done the caesarean much earlier in the pregnancy. Was this woman getting proper pre-natal care? Isn't the baby's size and weight something that is monitored throughout the pregnancy? How could the doctor not know what kind of monster was growing inside this woman?!?

Thank God for the pre-natal care U.S. mothers receive. No matter what people say about our health care system, I don't think this could have happened in the good old "socialist" U.S.A.

TLUV said...

This happens in the U.S. too! Mothers with diabetes are warned that their children will be large! A baby won't be taken early if their lungs are not fully developed. Too many complications in Neo-Natal departments. Therefore, unfortunately, there are babies like this in the U.S. We have not recorded one yet but, I told you about the 13 pounder in the hospital with me. He made this pig snorting noise all day and night! I asked the nurse about it and she said that he was hungry! I said, "DAYUM!"