Saturday, November 11, 2006


Get this, Jason Alexander, Britney Spears first husband, says that Kevin Federline made an idiot of himself. When asked did he think Kevin married Britney for her money he said"I don't know but, ever since they've been married, all he's done is spend money!" He also went on to say "Kevin won't get custody of the kids because he can't take care of the two he had!" Sounds like someone is a little salty! Could it be the fact that he didn't even get a chance to buy a Pepsi with her money? Their marriage was annulled after only 55 hours. He also said " call me, I'm a good guy to talk to. I still love her." Awww, how cute! Yeah right! He sounds like he's trying for another rebound bid. They married right after she split from Justin Timberlake. Note to Jason: Stop being rebound man and move on!! You are not the person to say someone else made an idiot of themselves. Your marriage lasted how long? Oh that's right, there never was a marriage!!!

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