Tuesday, March 13, 2007

This Is The Ish I'm Talking About!

I am tired of seeing J-Hud in pictures with her mouth wide open! Somebody please pull her to the side and let her know the shutterbugs are always around!. Even when you aren't looking they are! Every corner and every crevice, there is a camera lurking. I understand you wanna let loose sometimes but the paparazzi is everywhere. I feel sorry for celebrities! I'm sure there would be lots of pictures of me like this! Remember this, you are always in a mirror! Maybe that will help! I straighten up everytime I encounter a mirror! Note to J-Hud: Keep your damn mouth closed! You're still marvelous though!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah i know i hate when they know they in the spotlight and still take silly pics! byt i know sometimes its hard and u for get! but she's still FABO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!