Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ex-Blackstreet Member Jailed?

January 16, 2008. has learned that Chauncey Hannibal (AKA Chauncey Black), a former member of the R&B group Blackstreet was arrested in California for non-payment of child support and has since been extradited to Virginia where he's being held at the Virginia Beach City Jail.A spokesman for the jail said that Chauncey, 39, was extradited on charges of grand larceny, desertion or non-support of a spouse or children, and failure to appear in court on an unrelated criminal charge. Chauncey's larceny charge stems from allegations that the former R&B star looted a three-bedroom, $592,000 house after he had been evicted in July 2006. Note to Deadbeat Dads: Feed ya children! If you eat, they need to eat! If you have a roof over your head, they need a roof, too!


wordswork02 said...

Wouldn't it cost less for these deadbeats to get a vasectomy? If they don't want to pay, they should think about that BEFORE the child is born, not after. Novel idea, huh?

TLUV said...

You know I'm standing firmly behind the child support cause! I am dealing with a deadbeat, right now! Fool owes me so much money! I feel like going to his house and! And! Never mind I will not incriminate myself!