Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Queen Latifah Puts The Smackdown!

Queen Latifah is tired of all the media outlets that are claiming she is gay and is having an affair with her trainer Jeanette Jenkins. Queen Latifah said this about the media:

“They are actually starting to p**s me off. I haven’t been brutalised like some people… but you feel taken advantage of.”This year, if somebody prints something about me, I’m ready to take it to their ass because it’s just not fair.”I’m tired of hearing from my family members, `Did you say this?’ When somebody calls my family, that’s what concerns me. I have little brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews who are not so media savvy as me. “They are not so thick skinned with this business, so these reports bother them. That’s when I really want to go for somebody’s throat, legally with lawyers and all. And I will.”

When she says media, she really means bloggers! I have not talked much about her and the trainer. I do, like, find it odd that she has a trainer and has lost no weight. Perhaps they are friends. I don't know! Just make sure that whatever you say about her it better be true!

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