Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This Has Got To Stop!

This is sickening! They look like a bag of gay Skittles! I can't take it anymore! Please Kanye, stop it! LOL Big laugh at the man in the leggings and cowboy boots! He is a rapper named Tay! Now we know who the gay rapper is! LOL

DISCLAIIMER: If I offended anyone by using the term "gay" I am sorry! I meant Village People-esque!


Lady Di said...

(puts finger in throat and ...........)

"bag of Gay Skittles" (shakes head yes - violently)

Is this for any special reason that this weird clothing display OF MEN is going on T?? Maybe I missed something several threads back?!?!

TLUV said...

Kanye is trying to start his own clothing line! If this is any indication of what is to come, I want no parts of it!

Lady Di said...

I ditto tha sentiment girl.