Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Hate It When.....

I hate it when people take it upon themselves to have a gaggle of children and then want to get paid for interviews! Yes, I'm talking about Nadya Suleman, the mother of the octuplets! This woman is insane! When asked about her living arrangements, she said she doesn't live with her parents. Nadya claims that her parents have rental property and that she is living in one of the houses and paying rent. Moments later Nadya Suleman's mother is interviewed and gives a tour of the house she lives in with her daughter and the 6, soon to be 14, children! It was utter chaos! Clothes all over the floor, children walking around looking unkempt, it was disgusting! For this woman to get on TV and claim that she receives NO assistance, and then for the news to find out she receives food stamps, she's crazy! The saddest part is the fact that she received $165,000 from a settlement between 2001 and 2008 yet, her mother knew nothing about the money! Disgusting!

Note to the media: Stop interviewing this heffa! She says that she can take care of ALL these kids, let her! If you want to help anyone, help her mother! This woman had the amount of children she could handle! Why should she be forced to help take care of 14 kids? Grandparents are supposed to tiddlywink with their grandkids and send them home! Not be driven to the grave with too many grandkids!

Update: The crazy baby lady receives $490 amonth in food stamps and 3 of her 6 kids, at home, are disabled! She receives Federal help for them! This has been confirmed by her spokesperson! This woman should be hospitalized!


Lady Di said...

Grandma said she ain't gettin' A DIME!! The more the story airs, more than just dirty diapers turn up, ya think?? Angelina Jolie look-a-like?????????

TLUV said...

It's true that everyone that has a baby is not a mother! I think she needs a psychiatric evaluation and based on the findings, her children should be placed in a safe place! Fourteen families would love to take those kids! I give kudos to the Granny! Many people wold cover up their crazy kids antics!