Friday, March 20, 2009

Recession Who?

Rumor has it that Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon are planning to buy the famed Saperstein Estate! This house is so lush that it is called "Fleur De Lys!" It is an expansive and expensive mansion with a price tag of $125 million. I thought the world was in a recession? Perhaps, it's just us! LOL I have provided a few pics for your enjoyment! I would love to live in the poolhouse! LOL


Lady Di said...

Recession only affects those under that 250,000 bracket. And since I'm so far under it, my recession is now depression and will most likely end up in repossession soon. (j/k - I'm trying to rhyme here) But seriously... it's bad for the fair to not so middly folks for real. They could just let me sleep in the pool house, I'd be happy.

TLUV said...

I could live comfortably on the veranda!