Monday, March 16, 2009

So Sad!

I had no idea Ron Silver was ill but, I want to express my condolences. "Ron Silver died peacefully in his sleep with his family around him early Sunday morning" in New York City, said Robin Bronk, executive director of the Creative Coalition, which Silver helped found. "He had been fighting esophageal cancer for two years."

Rest In Peace, Ron...

Even though he was a Democrat and changed to Republican, after Sept. 11th, I still loved his body of work.


Lady Di said...

I rec'd an email about his passing but for the life of me can't figure where I've seen him.

TLUV said...

Look him up! I remember im from "Ali" and Blue Steel. He has quite an extensive resume. So sad....

Lady Di said...

I actually went over to the IMBD, my favorite source for all things act, and I just could not remember a thing. I'll get into it again another time. Thanks!!