Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Hey Guys!

I haven't blogged much lately! Partly due to my son being sick and the fact that there have been so many tragedies lately (father kills 5 children and self and Chinese man kills thirteen and self), that I have felt it was inappropriate to blog about celebs. During my hiatus, I was trolling other blogs! I came across a blog that is so funny, you must read it! It's called "Yeah....I said it!" This guy Leon is so witty and smart! I love reading it! Try it for yourself. www.http://listentoleon.net/


Lady Di said...

You put a whole unique spin on that URL there Tluv http://listentoleon.net/

Still in my prayers are you & your son. I'll be in Ytown Ohio for a couple days in the morning. You take care and check in when you can.


TLUV said...

Girl, ya know that whole url thang is not my bag! Thanks for the straightening out! Have fun in Youngstown! Holla at ya when ya get back!

Lady Di said...

I'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm baccccccccccck. Lil wet up there. Girl, we saw snow in the mountains and icicles too. Anyhow, I'm going to rest up and get back to you a lil later.

How ya doin' otherwise?? Son???