Saturday, April 11, 2009

Irresponsible Journalism!

Once again, TMZ has done the despicable! They have posted a story claiming that Snoop Dogg's wife, Shante Broadus, was dead and that Snoop was keeping her body in their basement! This is ridiculous! I can't believe this site is ran by a lawyer! Why are their fake stories never about white celebrities? This is scandalous and if I were Snoop I'd be suing! I received the story from! Thanks for the heads up!


Lady Di said...

I despise MediaTakeOut too. I hope Snoop sues him & his family back into a HUGE house. Sad... very, very sad.

TLUV said...

I am disgusted! I can't believe this is journalism! is horrible but, they are on TMZ's ass! They show how irresponsible they are! I only believe them when there is photographic evidence!

wordswork02 said...

I'm confused. Was this story posted on April Fool's Day? Not that that would excuse it -- it's a pretty bad joke -- but it would explain the context that would make someone post a fake and outrageous story like this -- and about someone being dead! That is such bad karma!

Was Shante sick? I can see a news organization going to press (or online) without confirming details when they are trying to scoop everyone else.

But the part about Snoop hiding the body in the basement is just downright creepy and unnecessarily libelous.

What was TMZ thinking?


TLUV said...

Sadly, it was not April Fool's day but they were very much the fool! I have not heard of Shante being sick! This was just some sick un-authenticated ish that Harvey posted! I think that there have been some false sources! Perhaps someone is angry at Harvey!