Monday, June 15, 2009

Bankruptcy, schmankruptcy!

I saw an article that talked about all the musicians who filed bankruptcy. It listed TLC, MC Hammer, Isaac Hayes and many more. Those were the few black entertainers but there were plenty white ones. Willie Nelson, Cyndi Lauper, Fleetwood Mac, Meatloaf, Andy Gibb and Tom Petty. It made me wonder why the black entertainers rarely bounce back. Who would have known that Willie Nelson was bankrupt? I think entertainers need to take business and finance classes. This would alleviate any improprieties! I, also, didn't like the fact that they didn't say that many times entertainers pull the bankruptcy card to break their contracts. This is what I believe TLC and Toni Braxton did.


wordswork02 said...

Well, I propose that entertainers be prohibited from buying any piece of jewelry to wear around their necks that is more than an inch wide.

Why does anyone need a medallion as big as the one I saw Soulja Boy wearing on the Chelsea Lately show? The answer is: he doesn't.

This is why what Chris Rock says is true: we have rich black people, but very few WEALTHY ones. Wealth is something you can pass on to future generations. But if you spend your money on stupid junk like gold medallions spelling out your name, that ish is going to have to be hocked when times get hard, and they always do.

Use that money to buy some fricking stocks or CDs, for Christmas sake -- and I don't mean music either.

Lady Di said...

Wordswork2 hit it on the Gold, platinum, fake jewelry head. It's not necessary for the TRINKETS for real. It does NOT make one a better actor, singer, rapper, player, baller but... it makes you look HELLA stooopid when you go bankrupt. What the white bankruptees are doing with their funds is beyond me. And not only is jewelry included but we need to aid unnecessary 20 car purchases, more than one to 2 houses that you LIVE IN..., and goodness knows them hella 80 tour entourages.

I want ONE of them real chains around Lil Wayne's neck, just ONE!!

wordswork02 said...

Exactly, Lady Di. I could see someone like Puffy (P.Diddy? Puff Daddy?) -- you know who I mean!

Anyhoo, I could see him having more than one house or car. He is a mogul. He has his hands in a bunch of other stuff so that if, say, record producing goes sideways, he can produce movies or promote concerts or act (well, not really that last thing, lol)

But I can't see a one-trick pony like Hammer living in the kind of largesse and extravagance he was living in when he couldn't do a darn thing else. Did he think that money tree was going to grow forever? Did he even by stock in genie pants? I doubt it!


TLUV said...

What both of you fail to realize is: the rappers need these name plates to remember what their name is! They are so busy being "Yung Whoever" and "Sir Whogivesashit" they can't remember their REAL names! LOL I totally agree with the both of you..... Please excuse my cheap attempt at humor! LOL