Saturday, June 13, 2009

Real Talk!!!

I wanted to take this space and talk about that "inner spirit." The "inner spirit" is the voice that tells you that he/she is not right for you! Most of us don't listen but, listening could stop alot of the heartache and violence. Sometimes, the "inner spirit" can take the form of our parents or good friends. These people can often see what we refuse to look at. I thought about this when I read about the pending divorce of Usher and Tameka. Usher's mother, Johnetta Patton, tried to tell him. She took the form of his "inner spirit." Sadly, Usher didn't listen. On the bright side, he did get two beautiful children from the marriage. Downside, he will pay child support and alimony for a long time. Sometimes a hard head makes a soft behind! Listen to your "inner heart."

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