Monday, September 14, 2009

Blame It On The A-A-Alcohol!

Last night Kanye West sunk to a new low. His despicable behavior has me wondering: Why are people boycotting Chris Brown while this fool is at-large? In case you were in a coma, last night, at the VMA's Taylor Swift won for "Best Female Video" and during her acceptance speech, Kanye ran up and snatched the microphone and told the crowd that Beyonce had the hottest selling record and video. Poor Taylor left the stage in shock and embarrassed. Judging by the picture of Kanye and his trophy gal, Amber Rose, I think the alcohol fueled his mania! Do I think he needs to seek therapy? YES! There is something very wrong with a person who NEEDS attention, at all cost. That 19 year old girl, will remember the actions of this, alleged, adult forever. I'm sure that when MTV shows it again they will edit out the Kanye shenanigans. I wish I could...


wordswork02 said...

I blame the maze in his head. Maybe the clippers went too deep and punctured his cerebral cortex.

Isn't there a law against drinking in public in New York? I know there's one in L.A. Kanye should have been arrested on the spot when he was seen with an open container of alcohol, or at least watched closely.

And who was handling the security or the backstage area at this shindig? Since when can a person just hijack the stage during a live broadcast?

On second thought, maybe it wasn't Kanye's fault. The breakdown started with the MTV/award show staff. Unless someone thought this would be "good TV," they dropped the ball.

TLUV said...

That's why everyone believes this was a set-up! MTV should have sensed a problem. Alcohol+Giant ego=Asshole!