Monday, September 14, 2009

VMA Disgrace #2

Lil Mama, a rapper from New York, ran onstage and busted up Jay-Z's set! The girl has moxy! The rap world is ssaying her career is over! Well, Lil Mama has issued an apology. I accept and perhaps Jay-Z will accept but, will the fans accept. Read on:

"I did not mean any disrespect towards Jay-Z or Alicia Keys. I admire them and look up to them as role models. 'Empire State of Mind' had my emotions running high. In that moment I came up onstage to celebrate my two icons singing about NY."

A picture says a thousand words. Look at the look on Jay-Z's face!


wordswork02 said...

I read tweets on Twitter about Lil Mama and, at first, I didn't know what they were referring to, let alone know who the frick she was.

Someone posted that same picture on Twitter with the caption: which of these things doesn't belong here? Stupid me, my first thought was, "Jay-Z, of course. He's the guy!" lol

But that was messed up. Just goes to show: anything goes at the MTV VMAs. That show is like the disrespected step-parent, whereas the Grammy's are the biological parent.

TLUV said...

Sadly, people want to act like this only happens in the black community but, I've been watching the VMA's forever and the rock acts curse, get drunk and jump off of things! That's disrespecting the venue!