Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Game a.k.a. The Loser

The Game has pissed some people off! In a song entitled "Never Get Far," from his Doctor's Advocate CD, he says some disparaging things about women. He even goes as far as to name names. The lyrics are: "And all these new video bitches trying to be Melyssa Ford; But they don't know Melyssa Ford drives a Honda Accord." He also goes on to say, " She a video vixen but behind closed doors; she do whatever it takes to get to the Grammy Awards." The Game also accuses Gabrielle Union and Meagan Good of sleeping with rappers to gain success. The Game talks about riding coattails to success. If that's not the pot calling the kettle black!!!! He rode 50 cents tails to success! Then turned and bit the hand that fed him!!! Let me just address the issue about the Honda Accord(Melyssa Ford doesn't have a Honda Accord), What's wrong with a Honda Accord? I'd rather drive that car and own my house, than own a Bentley and rent a house. Furthermore, Don't knock someones hustle. The Game's former jobs were, male dancing and TV shows like"Change of Heart!" Someone needs a reality check!!! Note to The Game: Don't sell out others to gain success! You are a mediocre rapper/producer. If you had no beef, what the hell would you rap about? Go sell those awful shoes and shut up!!!!

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