Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Rosie, GO HOME!!!

Today on the "View", Rosie O'Donnell implied Kelly Ripa had disrespected Clay Aiken. Apparently Clay filled in for Regis on Friday. While interviewing The Dancing with The Stars winners, Clay put his hand over Kelly's mouth. I would have opened up a can of... Sorry I digressed! Anyhoo, Kelly said, "That's a no-no! I don't know where that hands been!" Rosie thought that was a homophobic statement. Kelly called in and ripped Rosie a new one! She felt that he was trying to dominate her. He would never do that to a man! He was trying to flex! He knows he can't flex up against a man! The whole scene was ugly. I, personally, don't like other peoples hands in my hair, face or food. You will bring back a knub!!! Note to Rosie: Everything is not homophobic! How about him having some damn decency!!

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