Thursday, March 01, 2007

2007 Dumbass Award!

A San Francisco weekly paper billed as "the voice of Asian America" is under fire for a column entitled "Why I Hate Blacks." The column was written by Kenneth Eng, a self-described Asian Supremicist. What is astounding about the whole thing is the newspaper is owned by the Fang family. They are supporters of inter-racial relations programs. Some of the alleged reasons for his hatred of blacks are (1) Blacks are racist towards all Asians. (2) Blacks are weak willed and have been enslaved for over 300 years. (3) Blacks are easily influenced. That is why many, includin Rev. Al Sharpton, are Christians. these are just a few of their stupid reasonings. I say "their" because they ran the stupid article, so they must agree on some level. These people get the "2007 Dumbass Award." Deservedly so! Allegedly, his feelings stem from his mistreatment in New York during college. Seriously though, does it matter! You fix your mistreatment with mistreatment? Move on, Dumbass!

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