Friday, March 02, 2007


Kelis was arrested this morning in South Beach. Allegedly she screamed racial slurs at two undercover female officers. They were trying to do prostitution stings, when Kelis walked up and just started screaming on them. It took police and her friends to control her. She was booked on disorderly conduct and resisting arrest charges. Note to Nas: Control your wife! First you let her dye her hair like the Easter bunny, then you allow her to bother prostitutes who are just trying to do their job! C'mon Nas! Get a grip! This is the actual mugshot. She looks like a drunk piece of cottoncandy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just downloaded one of her songs. I bet Kelis is singing a version of it to herself: "I hate myself so much right now"! lol