Friday, February 06, 2009

Getting Educated!

Fantasia is going back to school and getting her diploma! I am so proud of her! She is also shopping a reality show about her and finishing up her next CD! I am so happy that she is deciding to further her education! Kudos!


Lady Di said...

I read about this when it first came to light and THOUGHT she'd already done it. She has a kid, what example is she setting? You can buy all those houses/luxury items but can't read their/receipts contract?????????????????????

TLUV said...

Say that!!!!!!!

Lady Di said...

Ooooooooooou, I messed that all up. It should read " can't read their receipts/contracts."


At any rate, they were really giving her a hard time when the news first came to light about how she managed to get on the show, raise a kid and some more stuff. What I never heard was WHY she did not get her diploma/GED? Was she like in some sort of orphanage?? Abandoned as a child?? What? That's what I missed but never looked up as you can tell.

Ok, Part 2 of Katt's interview is up and I gotta go read it so I can either cry laughing or laugh crying.