Tuesday, December 26, 2006

My Winners For 2006!

1. Star Jones for showing Barbra Walters for WHAT she is!
2. Whitney Houston for finally leaving Bobby!
3. Kevin Federline for countersuing Britney for the kids and laying low!
4. Jay-Z for showing young rappers how to grow-up and keep their money.
5. Barack Obama for being Barack Obama.
6. Brad Pitt and Angelina for sticking it to Jennifer Aniston.
7. Will and Jada for their endowment and showing how to blend a family and make it work!
8. Donald Trump for calling out Rosie and showing Barbra Walters for WHAT she is!
9. Kelly Ripa for standing up to Rosie!
10. My Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick for transforming Detroit for the 2006 Superbowl.
11. Jerome Bettis for being a hometown champ and a nice guy!
12. All the On and Poppin readers. Your support has been wonderful and I love you for it!
Keep it Poppin People! If I missed someone, let me know!


Anonymous said...

Is the Whitney really leaving Bobby? If so is it because of the baby?

TLUV said...

No she was just tired of his ish!