Tuesday, January 16, 2007

This I So Ugly!

Divorce is always hard but, allegations of "alternative lifestyles" make thing worse. Finally the marriage of Michael and Jean Strahan is over. Unfortunately, it wasn't without mudslinging. While being asked in court about a loveletter, Michael Strahan said he wasn't sure if it was addressed to "Jean" or "John." Jean Strahan told reporters after their break-up Michael moved in with a "male" friend and an "alternative" lifestyle began. Jean Strahan has recently said that she meant that he would rather party and hang with friends than be at home with her and their newborn twin girls. Note to readers: Michael has alot of money to pay ($15 million). I'm just saying, O.J.'s wife never bad mouthed him. I'm talking about his first wife! Sista's just don't do that! I'm talking to all athletes! Especially, Jason Kidd!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Sistas have just as much right as bruthas to speak what they feel is truth. When the guy abandons, his home, his wife and his newborn children he deserves to hear criticism, not because of any possibility of "alternative life style" but because he has has not behaved with honor and respect.
At it's really a shame OJ's second wife didn't speak out with a far louder voice.

Anonymous said...

OJ's second wife din't speak louder because she and her family were too busy taking free vacations and tuition from him! Sista's wouldn't trade a black eye for a Hawaiian vacation! Remember you reap what you sew when you break-up a marriage!

Anonymous said...

OJ's second wife din't speak louder because she and her family were too busy taking free vacations and tuition from him! Sista's wouldn't trade a black eye for a Hawaiian vacation! Remember you reap what you sew when you break-up a marriage!