Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Addition!

Singer Monica and her significant other, Rodney Hill, welcomed their second son on Tuesday. They have only released his middle name (Montez) to the public. Congrats to Monica!


wordswork02 said...

Are both of those pictures of Monica? I had to read this one twice. I almost jumped for joy thinking Monica's "significant other, Rodney Hill," was a woman.

For a minute, I thought Monica was a sistah's sistah, especially since you didn't write that Monica "gave birth."

Am I crazy? Yeah, probably!

TLUV said...

Yeah, you're crazy! She happens to be your cousin! Duh!

wordswork02 said...

Funny, I haven't seen her at the family reunions!

TLUV said...

She's there every year! You are not!